Apr 14, 2012

Ainol's New Novo7 (Elf II) Tab. Revealed...!

Ainol's New Novo7 (Elf II) Tab. Revealed...!

Ainol Novo7 Elf II
We've been hearing lately that Ainol Novo7 Aurora and Elf are being discontinued and two other successor are being developed to replace the twins dubbed (Aurora II or Mars and Tornado)..!

Well the story is partly true, since these days are important events for Ainol especially their participation in the China Sourcing Fairs 12-15 April 2012 to show-off their existing and upcoming products.

Ainol/ Ainovo Pavilion at China Sourcing Fairs 2012
Now many of us might not know that Ainovo is just a branch (Trademark) of Ainol Electronics a Hong Kong Based Company specialized in 7" Tablet PC Manufacturing and are the makers of the 1st. Android 4.0 ICS tablet in the market in the world named Novo7 Basic or Paladin with the MIPS Xburst CPU and Vivante GC860 GPU. Ainol featured among 5 Great Tablets at CES 2012

Ainol Novo7 paladin
OK, let me get to the point, while looking at the feeds of my facebook i read a post on Ainol's Fan Page with a hidden link of the new product Named Ainol Novo7 Elf II on Ainovo's Website, so i thought of sharing this with you. here's the link : http://www.ainovo.com/elfii.html

Ainol Novo7 Elf II - Specifications

Let me give you a short description of what has been upgraded on this baby :
 1- Cortex-A9 Based Dual Core Amlogic8726-M6 1.5 Ghz. CPU instead of the A10 Allwinner Single  Core CPU.
 2- The GPU is still Mali-400 but this time is X2.
 3-The Battery; we have a clue that it's being improved to give 14 WH with Wifi Off, 4 WH on gaming and Wifi On.
 4- Now this isn't an upgrade, in fact it's a downgrade of the Video output which is Full HD 1080p instead of the Super HD 2160p of it's predecessor "Elf" due to Amlogic's SoC limitation..in my opinion it's still great..!
 5- Everything else remains the same.

Now the question is; when will this Tab. be released for the end-user..guesses say that this will be around the end of April - mid of May...But what about the Aurora II or Mars...?

If you wanna know, stay tuned, we might get our hands on it's news as well..let's hope so...!


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